General Results

Disclaimer: MyBelize.Net is not affiliated with any government, academic or research institution. All data sets and programs are provided without any warranty - without even the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the directors of MyBelize.Net be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages of any type or nature resulting from the use of any of the provided data sets.

Constituency 2012 2015
Albert UDP UDP
Belize Rural Central PUP UDP
Belize Rural North UDP UDP
Belize Rural South UDP UDP
Belmopan UDP UDP
Caribbean Shores UDP PUP
Cayo Central UDP UDP
Cayo North PUP UDP
Cayo North East UDP PUP
Cayo South PUP PUP
Cayo West UDP UDP
Collet UDP UDP
Corozal Bay UDP UDP
Corozal North UDP UDP
Corozal South East PUP PUP
Corozal South West PUP UDP
Dangriga PUP UDP
Fort George PUP PUP
Freetown PUP PUP
Lake Independence UDP PUP
Mesopotamia UDP UDP
Orange Walk Central PUP PUP
Orange Walk East PUP UDP
Orange Walk North UDP UDP
Orange Walk South PUP PUP
Pickstock UDP UDP
Port Loyola UDP UDP
Queen\'s Square UDP UDP
Stann Creek West PUP PUP
Toledo East PUP PUP
Toledo West PUP PUP