Elections 2012

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MyBelize.Net in collaboration with BBN9 and Wave Radio will be providing up-to-the-minute election results coverage. Stay connected as we bring you Decision 2012.

Belize’s general and municipal elections will be jointly held on March 7, 2012.  There are a total of 178,054 registered voters for the General Elections who are expected to vote for 75 candidates in 31 constituencies at 312 polling stations. For the Municipal Elections there are a total of 97,979 registered voters, a total 170 candidates and 168 polling stations.

According to the Belize Elections and Boundaries Department, in order to ensure transparency, approximately 3,000 public officers will be working for the double elections.

The final count of candidates nominated for the General Election is 31 each by the major parties; 4 by the Vision Inspired by the People (VIP); 3 under the People’s National Party (PNP), a merger of the Belize Unity Alliance (BUA) and the Christians Pursuing Reform (CPR); and 6 independents, Frederick Hopkins Hunter, William Campbell, Carlos A. Diaz, Marcel Bedran, Carlos Javier Sawers, and Angel Roberto Campos, for a total of 75.