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Belize Weather

The weather in Belize can be categorized by two major seasons, the wet and dry seasons. The wet season is between the months of June to November, while the dry season is from December to May. Belize goes under hurricane watch during the wet season but has fortunately, not experienced any major storms for the past few years. The driest month in Belize is in April.

Belize Temperatures

The temperature ranges in Belize from 50 degrees F to 95 degrees F. The coolest times in Belize is between November to February when the average temperature is at 75 degrees F and reaches its hottest time in between May and September with an average temperature of 81 degrees F. Temperatures in Belize are slightly higher inland than they are along the coast. The temperatures in Belize are determined by differences in humidity and temperature rather than difference in temperature.

Average Rainfall in Belize

Average rainfall in Belize ranges from 60 inches in the north to 160 inches in the south. Except for in the southern regions, rainfall in Belize is variable from year to year.

Rainfall is enhanced in southern Belize due to the intrusion of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone as it travels to the north. The wet season starts as early as May in the south and the wettest month is normally in July.

Weather Systems in Belize

The main weather systems that are experienced in Belize are Tropical Waves, Tropical Storms, Hurricanes and Cold Fronts. Tropical Waves are most common during the months of June and July. Tropical Storms peak during September and October. Hurricanes occur mainly during the wet season from June to November, but the number varies from year to year. A cold front passes over the country almost every ten days. Cold fronts are most common between October and April.


Belize Weather

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